Kekoolani Genealogy of Descendants of the Ruling Chiefs of Hawai'i


(Chief of Ko'olau, O'ahu) MUOLANI (MUA, MUALANI)

Mua is the name used by S.M. Kamakau.

(Chief of Ko'olau, O'ahu) KUA-O-MUA (KU-O-MUA, KUOMUA )

Kua-o-Mua is the form of the name given by S.M. KAmakau, according to Pukui. Brother-sister pi'o marriage.

(Chief of Ko'olau, O'ahu) KAPUA-A-MUA (KAPUAAMUA)

Kapua-a-Mua  is the name given by S.M. Kamakau. Brother-sister pi'o marriage.